So things were looking up for Angel in that last chapter. A new promotion, a new man to immediately fall in love with for no real reason ... looking ahead to the title of this chapter, however, I'm just going to assume that stuff's goin' south.
Chapter 6 – Two Timing
The next day, Angel walked into work all smiles. Word of the promotion had gotten around, and everyone was happy for her.
As she set up, she noticed that there was hardly any gauze, which was a major need. She went down to the supply closet in the basement and opened it with her key. She grabbed a couple of boxes from the shelf close to the door. She noticed some movement out of the corner of her eye. What she saw almost made her drop the boxes. Marcus Alexander Bagwell was in a liplock with Missy Hyatt.
She ran out silently, not wanting Marc to see her for fear he might run after her. She ran into the infirmary, dropped the gauze on the desk, and sat on a cot. She kept telling herself not to cry, that it would get her nowhere, but she couldn’t help it. The tears flowed freely down her cheeks.
Bobby Eaton was on his way to a training session with Arn when he noticed that Anglica’s door was closed. Her door was always open. He hoped that nothing was wrong, and knocked softly. When there was no answer, he opened it slightly. He saw her face in her hands and her shoulders shaking. He rushed over to her.
“Angelica, what’s wrong?”
She choked back a sob and said “Oh Bobby, I just saw Marcus kissing Missy Hyatt.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I know how much you liked him.”
“I didn’t just like him, I loved him, Bobby. Why has every body I loved turned around and broke my heart? First Marty, now Marc. Why?”
“Love can be cruel.”
Angelica sobbed. Bobby stroked her silky blonde hair [hurl] and she cried until she felt hollow inside.
Meanwhile, Arn Anderson who was looking for Bobby caught Angel and Bobby together. He was holding her! He knew it! Wait until Mrs. Eaton found out Arn slipped away silently.
“Bobby, this world would be so empty without you. Thank you for being here for me. And if you ever need a friend, I’ll always be here for you.”
“Same here. Okay, sorry, I’ve gotta go. Arn is waiting for me. “
“I’ll see you later.”
Bobby caught up to Arn in the hallway.
“Hey Arn.”
“Hey.” He said coldly
“Something wrong, Arn?”
“Don’t’ think I don’t know what you’re up to.”
“What’dya mean?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Bobby. I saw you and the nurse with each other today.”
“Angelica? Arn, I’m her friend, she needed me. She was having a rough time and I was comforting her.” Bobby walked off, shaking his head.
“Don’t you dare do that, Bobby Eaton. This conversation isn’t finished.”
“Arn, I don’t’ want to fight with you. You’re my best friend. Friendships are based on trust, but it seems this one is lacking trust.”
“You expect me to trust you after what I just saw? You’re a liar.”
“What is wrong with you, Arn?”
“It’s not me, it’s you, Eaton.” [I love how all of the fights between male friends in their mid-thirties sound like junior high break-ups.]
“I don’t have to take this, Arn. This conversation is over.”
“Yeah, then well so is this whole friendship!”
“Arn, we’ve been friends for two years, we’ve had plenty of fights worse than this. You’ve always trusted me. Trust me now.”
“And you’ve never lied to me. I can’t possibly trust someone who’s going to lie to me. Were you or were you not in the arms of that nurse.”
“I was but …”
“No buts. I think I know what I saw, and so do you.” [geez, what is this guy’s deal? Why can’t he be happy that his bff is cuddling a hot nurse?]
“Arn, she had her problems and I was concerned for her.”
“Don’t gimme that. Men and women can’t just be friends.”
“Look, Arn, this whole fight is stupid.”
“So you want me to just forget about it so you can get off the hook. No way. Now you listen, and you listen hard, because this is the last thing I’ll ever say to you, Eaton. You can have an affair with every cheap blond floozy you find, but if your wife ever finds out, don’t come crying to me, cause I sure as hell won’t care.”
Bobby didn’t call Arn back, he knew that it wouldn’t’ do any good. When Arn got mad, he took a while to cool down. But a week went by, and Arn hadn’t said a word to Bobby. With Arn’s knee injured, they dind’t tam together. Bobby was angry and upset, but he didn’t want to tell angel about it because he knew that Angelica, being her sweet self, would consider it her fault. He didn’t want to hurt her. Word had gotten to Marcus that angel had seen Missy and him kissing in the closet. Marc felt terrible about it, she refused to talk to him about it, it really hurt him. That was probably why his awareness was cut down in the ring at the upcoming clash.
1) That scumbag! In the medical supply-filled basement of the sports complex with Missy Hyatt! Angel should have known never to trust a man with deep pools of eyes. I would like to point out that this is the lamest, most non-confrontational discovery of infidelity ever.
2) Who is your vote for most boring character? Mine is totally Bobby. Also, my vote for the most easily and bizarrely irritable character is Arn.
Coming up next:
Uh, oh, looks like Marc is going to be distracted in his upcoming match. I wonder if that will result in an injury that will require a visit to the infirmary … dunt dunt DUNN! Find out in …. Chapter 7 – Clash of the Champions I.
1 comment:
'cried until she felt hollow inside' ??? damn. That's what alcoholics are made of!
Bobby v Arn... I was kind of waiting for 'Oh Yeah?! Well you can't come to my birthday party!'
FYI, we're watching TNA right now.
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