Friday, December 12, 2008

Chapter 17: A Departure

Yesterday's chapter was so lame that I feel like I owe y'all one today. That and I have a sinus infection and don't feel like doing work.

As a result, today you get to enjoy the return of effusive tears and overzealous hugging in ...

Chapter 17: A Departure

"She loves me, Bobby. She said so last night. I've never been this happy before. It's the most incredible feeling in the world," said Chris jubilantly. [seriously, how many guys say things like this to other guys?]

"That's great." Bobby was sincere, but his voice was distracted.

"Soemthin' up, Bob?" asked Chris, using a favorite expression. [?]

"Hmm? Oh, no. Sorry. It really is great."

"Everything allright?"

"Yeah. No. Listen, Chris. Do you know Jimmy Cornette?"

"From Smoky Mountain Wrestling?"

"Yeah. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Well, he, uh ... he asked me to rejoin my old partner Stan Lane and be a member of his Heavenly Bodies."

"Wow. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. You and I have come so far. We can go for the titles. But a chance to get back with Stan and Jim. Well, it's up to you Chris."

"Bobby, this is your decision, your career, your life! Why ask me, eh?" [look, he's Canadian!]

"You're my partner. This is your career too."

"Well. What do you want to do?"

"Would you mind at all if I went with Jimmy? Because if you do then ..."

"Then by all means, go with Jimmy."



"This means a lot to me, Chris. Thank you."

They shook hands and hugged warmly.

About 2 weeks later, the papers were signed. In another week, Bobby would be a Smoky Mountain wrestler. There was only one problem. He had put off telling Angelica, probably his best friend, that he was leaving. [how was this not his first priority?!]. He would miss her more than anyone else. How could he break it to her?

Bobby knocked on the door of Angelica's infirmary. She opened her door. [I've mastered this segue] He couldn't bear to look at the bright smile she almost always wore.

"Why so glum, Bobby?" asked Angel, expression darkening.

"No reason."

"I know you better than that. Now if you dont' want to talk, just say so, but don't say nothing is wrong."

"I think you know me better than I do."

"I wouldn't go that far. So what's up?"

"Angelica ... I ... uh ... I don't know how to put this. I'm moving to Smoky Mountain Wrestling on Tuesday."

"You're leaving? In 2 days?"


"Bobby! You're my best friend! How could you just leave?"

"Hey, Angelica, this is my career."

"You don't have to get defensive [uhm, you don't have to shout, either]. This is such short notice. Didn't they tell you before that you were being moved?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I ... I couldn't?"

"Why not?"

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"It hurts now."

"It hurts me too."

Angel turned away from him, her lip quivering, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I dont konw what to say, Angelica, I made a mistake. I should've told you before. It was just that ... I was afraid I'd hurt you, and I'm hurting you even more now. Oh Angelica ... I can't ..."

Bobby turned his back to Angelica's. He felt the tears sting. A little sob escaped.

"Oh, Bobby, don't," said Angel softly. She went over to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I never meant to hurt you," he whispered.

"I know. It's just such a shock." They embraced for a long time, silent tears falling from both of ther eyes. [hurl. also, this wording makes it sound like they both each possess one eye.]

"I love you, Bobby."

"I love you too, Angelica," Bobby whispered.

For the next two days, Angel and Bobby were inseperable. When it was time for Bobby to leave, they promised to keep in touch. In teh days following, Chris and Angel comforted each other. They had both lost a good friend. [WTF? he's not effing dead!]


1) Smoky Mountain Wrestling! Before it was just a developmental league for WWF, SMW was a small indie federation based in Tennessee. I liked Jim Cornette and his tennis racquet quite a bit. Wikipedia suggests that I've got my chronology wrong re: Chris and Bobby's tag team career and Bobby's jump to SMW, but I'll just chalk that one up to artistic license.

2) Why is moving such a monumental tragedy to these people? Staying in touch is not impossible. Although, judging by the fact that Angel never mentions--let alone calls, writes, or telegrams--her old BFF Mr. Perfect suggests that moving to a new federation is indeed akin to death.

3) How did Angel not get any inkling about Bobby leaving in 2 weeks? Didn't Chris mention something in one of their all-night talking/oldies-listening/not making out sessions? I think these two have a serious communication issue.

Well then ...

I'll bet you're wondering what would happen if Chris faced Marcus in a match. What's that? You're sure it's going to be dramatic, intense, and action-packed? Uhh ... keep wondering ... and tune in next time for ...

Chapter 18 - Monday's Card


Amy said...

Chris seems to care not at all about Bobby leaving. He cares so little, in fact, that he didn't even mention it to his ONE TRUE LOVE that her BFF was leaving. I smell jealousy over their strictly platonic Love!

FuzzyOctopus said...

Maybe he was just protecting her ... you know, from the crushing news and whatnot. Pfft, Chris has no reason to be jealous of Bobby ... if you ask me, there's an egregious hugger who poses a bit more of a threat.