Angel spent the first half of this chapter writing a useless letter to Chris. Now we get to witness her intense confrontation with Marcus. I guarantee disappointment in the thrilling conclusion to ...
Chapter 22: Forgive, but Don't Forget (Part 2)
Angel took a deep breath and knocked on Marcus Bagwell’s dressing room door. [we’re back to everyone having his/her own dressing room?] This wasn’t going to be easy.
Marcus opened the door. He saw Angel and nearly slammed it on her, but she stopped him.
“Wait! Marcus, I want to talk to you.”
“What?” he asked impatiently.
“I … I’m sorry.”
“What?” his voice raised about 8 octaves. [impressive]
“Can I come in?”
“I guess.”
Angel stopped into the dressing room. Scorpio was sitting on a folding chair in the back. He got up when he saw Angel.
“Hey, Angel. I’ll be in the gym, Marc.”
“Bye Scorpio.”
“Be down soon,” he called.
“Look, Marcus, I’m sorry for reacting so harshly when you tried to apologize to me.”
“Angel, none of this is your fault. Just seeing you again, just talking to you again, makes me realize what a fool I’ve been. Angel, what I did to you was the most foolish thing I’ve ever done. I loved you. I still love you, Angel.” He took her hand.
Angel was speechless. [probably because he’s not crying yet]
“Will you consider taking me back?” he asked.
“I … Marcus, you turn my friends against me, and now you want me back?”
“I’m sorry! Can’t you see how much I need you?”
“Marc, I’m in love with Chris. I can’t take you back.”
“I understand.” [that was quick]
“Good. Look, I’ve got to go. Take care, OK?”
Angel left hurriedly. Marcus had totally surprised her. She figured that he’d just accept her apology, maybe apologize to her, then she’d leave and they could possibly be friends. She definitely had another thing coming to her. Now all she wanted to do was be with Chris. She missed him so much! Tomorrow seemed like a far star in the distance.
1)Marcus ... can't you just count your blessings that you got out while the getting was good? Go blow dry your hair and make out with someone.
2) As inconceivable as 97% of this blog is, I've totally encountered undumpable guys. Why don't people just take a hint? If someone wants to break up with you, just have the grace to let them. Would you really want to be with someone you have to talk into dating you??? Also, someone should have told me this when I was 16, because I did it too.
COMING UP NEXT ... Angel meets Chris at the airport and engages in some of the least witty repartee ever written. Join us next time (mayhaps tomorrow) for ...
Chapter 23: The Return
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