Chapter 51: In the Dark
The phone rang, jarring Angel from a sleep she had entered with great difficulty.
“Hello,” she rasped.
“Ang? Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Sorta. What’s up, Scott?”
“Not much – what are you doing asleep?” [what kind of a question is that?]
“What are you doing awake? It’s … oh, it’s only 9:30, sorry.”
“Are you sick?”
“No, no.”
“Then what? You sound distressed.”
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s Chris.” [you remember that she has a boyfriend? And that this boyfriend has a name? how novel!]
“What happened?”
“It’s such a long story.”
“I have a while.”
“You’re sure you want to hear this?” [why isn’t she asking this of the readers?]
“Of course.”
“Okay.” Angel told him the entire story, from her kiss with Dustin to their pact to say away from each other for a few weeks. [her and Dustin’s pact? Of course not. Why would Angel and Dustin try to stay away from each other when instead they can be having sock-optional sleepovers?]
“That’s rough, Ang. I’m sorry.”
“Could be worse,” she sighed. [hey! Irony! Look how unsubtle!]
“Don’t worry. You two were made for each other. It’ll be okay.” [AngelSense™]
“I hope so. So what’s new with you, Scott?”
“I’m in love!” he nearly shouted. [that’s nice. That’s exactly what you say to someone who is having relationship troubles bad enough to alter her sleeping patterns.]
“That’s fabulous! Is it that woman you told me about before? What was her name … Justine?”
“Justina, and yes, she puts Marie in the dust.”
“Great! I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks. Anyway, I just called to tell you that she got a job at WCW with you, so maybe you can see her around.”
“Ooh! We can gossip about you!”
“Uh-oh. I’d better look out.”
Angel giggled. “What’s her last name?”
“Foster. She’s soooo beautiful.” [I can’t believe he didn’t offer up this information, as well as her hair and eye color, the second Angel picked up the phone.]
Foster … Justina Foster … Angel thought and thought but she couldn’t remember where she’d heard that name before.
“Can’t wait to meet her. Scott, nothing personal, but I’m dead tired.”
“Oh. Ok. Sorry to wake you.”
“That’s allright. I’ll see you soon.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Scott nearly bouncing off the walls with joy, Angel trying to dispel that nagging feeling she had that something was terribly out of kilter.
1) How can Angel not remember Justina’s name? Don’t you pay a lot of attention to your significant others when they discuss exes? Because that’s interesting stuff and it gives you all kinds of insight into their personalities and whatnot. And then you gladly accept the invitation your partner gives you to look at old pictures from college and you scrutinize the photos of him and his old girlfriends to make sure that you are prettier. Or maybe that’s just me. Wait, where was I? Ah yes. Justina. Well, let’s just chalk this one up to plot contrivance.
2) I would actually like to see Angel and Justina gossiping about Scott. I wonder how long it would take before Justina asked Angel if Scott has always had such a bizarre relationship with his brother and such confusing sexual mores, to which Angel would reply: “What are you talking about? Let’s get back to me here.”
Justina and Chris stave off guilt by having at it once more, then Chris takes a trip down memory lane. See what I thought people did in college years before I actually went there. It’s a long chapter, so I think I’m going to split it up. The second part will feature a contest! Wheee!
Tune in next week for … Chapter 52: Reprocussion [sic] Discussion (Part I)
she remembers everything else (even when it is none of her business) about everyone except her boyfriend... Maybe she doesn't deserve him? Angel doesn't habve to scrutinize old photos to make sure that she is the prettiest- she knows that she's the prettiest in all the land!
Oh man, I can't wait until Scott finds out that Justina isn't 100% pure!
HA! The prettiest in all the land indeed! Also, let's not forget nicest and friendliest and most compassionate and best friend EVER until you move. Wowlions. I wish I were Angel. Minus like, 99.9% of her. I'll keep the fact that she isn't allergic to cats, because I'd really like to have a kitty one day.
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