Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chapter 8.2: Clash of the Champions II (part 2)

So ... when we last left our distinguished characters, Angel was sitting in her office waiting for men to cry on her and Bobby was severely upset by something he saw in the dressing room. I know y'all have been losing sleep over what that might be ... therefore, I now present to you the thrilling conclusion of Clash of the Champions II ...

"Bobby? You OK"

He took a second to compose himself, but still looked odd. "Yeah," he lied.

During the match Bobyb directed all of his emotions toward his opponent, and tore him apart. After the match and showers, Chris again asked Bobby if he was allright. Bobby hated to lie to a nice guy liek Chris, but he didn't watn to talk to him about it.

The main event was Scott "Flash" Norton agasint Sting [now there's an exciting bout]. After the match, which Sting won, he went to Angel's office. He wasn't hurt, but wanted to ask her something.

"Hey Ang!" he greeted happily.

"Hey Sting, what's up?"

"I've got some awesome news."

"Good, I could use some."

"Something wrong?"

"Ever have one of those days?"

"I've had one too many."

Angel smiled and said "What's the news?"

"You remember Rick and Scott Steiner?"

"Of course."

"They just won the WWF tag belts!"

"That's great! I'm so happy for them. I've gotta call them to congratulate them!"

"No need to. I'm thowing them a party to congratulate them and you there seemed to hit it off pretty well. It's Friday at 5:00 at my house. Can you make it?" [another party that starts before the sun even considers going down.]

"Sure! Want me to bring some cookies?" [NOW it's a party!]

"Would you mind?" his eyes flashed.

"Of course not."

"Thanks a bunch, you know I love them. Hey, I heard about Marcus. I'm sorry. Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I guess I got over it, [already? but you LOVED him!] but thanks for asking."

"Okay. See you then." He gave her a hug and left.

Bobby put his head in his hands and cried softly. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried.

Angel locked up her office and started down the hall. She passed by the "heel" dressing room, she heard a little nosie coming from inside the room. She pushed open the door open a little, and saw Bobby sitting on a folding chair. She knocked softly.

"Bobby? It's Angelica. Are you OK?"

Angelica saw what she assumed to be a nod from Bobby and walked in. She pulled up a folding chair and touched his shoulder. "Bobby? Are you allright?"

He lifted his face from his hands. It was tear-stained but rather pale.

"Is it Arn?" she asked gently.

He nodded. "I overheard him talking to Ric Flair. Arn said that he'd be able to team with Ric as soon as he got rid of me and that it would be no problem becaue he had already started up something between us. How coudl he? The man has got no heart." He put his head down and cried while Angel comforted him. A few minutes later he looked at his watch and said he had to leave. He thanked her.

"Anytime Bobby. Are you OK?"

He nodded and hugged her. This night had been awfully depressing. Her ex-boyfriend had mad a futile attempt to get back together with her, and 2 sets of the world's best friends had broken up. Maybe happier times would be ahead ...


1) That? Seriously? That is what upset Bobby to the point of paleness and tears? That? Wow.

2) So I suppose by this point I accepted that wrestlers did not live in their dressing rooms, as evidenced by the fact that Sting has a house that he repeatedly invites people to, but it still had not quite dawned on me that wrestlers travel a lot and, in fact, are probably not always by their houses. This fact will get even more obvious in upcoming chapters, as we will finally get to see the inside of Angel's house, but for now, all such ridiculousness will have to remain with Sting.

3) Speaking of which, another party at Sting's? I hope this one is more exciting. Maybe he'll get a clown or magician. Cross your fingers for pizza bagels.

Coming up next ...

We've got a good one on the docket here, folks. I don't to give too much away, but let's just say it involves an irrational amount of adjectives and overblown professions of love. And a fantastic outfit description. Tune in next time for ... Chapter 9: The Proposal.

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