Monday, December 22, 2008

Chapter 19: The Letter

Whee! The holidays are upon us. I'll be posting one today, one tomorrow, and then nothing for about a week. Got to go visit the family and whatnot. So today's may be short, but tomorrow's will make up for it ... because it's really, really stupid.


Chapter 19: The Letter

It had been almost a month since Bobby and Madusa had left. Angel was sitting in her house, reading Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Stephen King's latest novel. The phone rang and she screamed.


"Hey Sunshine! Why so out of breath?"

"Chris! I was just erading this story about living teeth, and the phone frightened me."

"A story about what?"

"Nevermind. What's up?"

"Guess what!"


"I got a letter today from All Japan Wrestling. THey want me to go on a 3 week tour!"

"That's great!!! But what'll I do without you?"

"Don't worry, it's only 3 weeks. I'll call you every day."

"Oh Chris, I'm so happy for you!"

"I leave on Tuesday."

"Oh, go ahead and dampen my good spirits."

"I just did."

"Can you come over tonight?"

"Depends. Where are you?"

"Biloxi, Missouri, I think." [??? I thought she was home]

"Great! Me too! I'll come by after tonight's card."

"I'll be watiing"

"What hotel are you staying at?"

"Cascade Inn. [that sounds like a place on the side of the road where you can pay by the hour.] Chris, if you haven't the faintest idea where I am, then how in the world did you get my number?"

"Through the WCW Front Offices. THe seceratary is my cousin's friend."

"The weird one?"

"Yup. Well, get back to the terrible teeth. The dreaded dentures. The chaotic chompers, the ..."

"I get the point."

"Love you, Sunshine."

"I love you too, Chris."



1) So Angel’s reading Nightmares and Dreamscapes? What a coincidence! I was reading the same thing at the time! This makes it the fall of 1993. I am 13 at this point and had been reading King since I was 9. Yes, I started reading Stephen King when I was in fourth grade. My mother recommended them to me. I had a lot of trouble sleeping. But, on the plus side, it toughened me to the point where scary movies and books have very little effect on me these days. I can’t say the same for my husband, who actually hugged a ticket taker out of fear after watching 28 Weeks Later. Well then … back to Angel. What is she doing reading this? I really see her as more of a Nora Roberts fan. Unless Nora Roberts writes salacious stuff. I wouldn't know.

2) So this was a short chapter, but not a useless one ... I needed to get Chris off the scene for a little while, because I had no clue what to write about if it involved a happy couple (hence Marty's persistent flu), but it couldn't be anything too drastic.

3) Don't even try to understand why Angel is home but not, that they are in the same city but different hotels, that one is working but one is not, and that neither of them knows where the other is. It's not worth it.


Contrivance, revenge, dumb crap, shouting in ALL CAPS, platonic hugs, tears, and garbage ... tune in tomorrow for ...

Chapter 20: Abandoned


Amy said...

nevermind, comment 3 summed it up :)

The Carter's said...

Heh. Actually, I'm a bit peeved that we weren't privvy to the "I love yous" from the happy couple. Were we and I'm forgetting?

BTW, the other day I was reading the fic that I wrote involving Sting and NKOTB. As bad as it is, I think yours still takes the cake.

FuzzyOctopus said...

Amy - sorry to steal your thunder.

Carters - i believe you'll find that particular dramatic plot point in chapter 16: Deeper in Love, though it's understandable if you missed it, as it was after a mind-numbingly bad extended description of exactly what oldies songs they were listening to.

And you can't just drop that tidbit about Sting and NKOTB without sharing some of it ... come on ... come on!!! You can guest post here! My legions of fans (all four of you) and I are super interested!