Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chapter 10: Spreading Good News

So I know you were probably pretty bummed out by the Angelessness in that last chapter. Well never fear, my iron-stomached readers, she's baaaaaaaaack.

Chapter 10: Spreading Good News

Dustin bounded into the Minniapolis Arena happier than he had ever been in his life. The world was beauitful, its beauty second only to his fiance Alexandra. His good mood was dampened slightly when he found out that it was Angel's day off [I can't believe that he didn't start weeping]. He spread the good news to Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Ron Simmons, 2 Cold Scorpio, and the rest of his friends. After the match, he decided to call Angel. He asked if he could come over to her her home in Robinsdale for a few minutes [wait ... now she lives in Minnesota? When did this happen?!?]. She gave him directions. It was only about a 15 minute drive from the arena.

Her hosue was pretty from the outside. It was a small brick 2 story house with lots of windows. It had a saltbox style roof [shout out to my 7th grade social studies teacher, Mr. Kleinrock, for teaching me what those were!] and a one car garage outside. He rang her doorbell and she answered promptly. She had on a blue sweater and a pair of faded jeans. She wore her golden hair up in a ponytail, as usual.

"Hey Dustin, come on in before you freeze."

As soon as he was in, he told her the good news. "Angel, I did it! I proposed to Alex! She said yes! Alex is going to be my wife!!!"

She grabbed him and hugged him. [woah!]

"Dustin! That wonderful! [sic] I'm so happy for the both of you! Congratulations!"

They sat down on her powder blue couch.

"You're not allergic to dogs or cats, are you?"


"That's good." As soon as she said that, a silver tabby jumped up on her lap. "Hey Fluff-o! Dustin, this is Flufflebunny."

He chuckled at the cat's name and stroked her soft fur.

"So when's the wedding?"

"I don't know, we haven't worked any details out, we still haven't gotten over the initial shock I guess. Hey, why are you crying?" [of course]

"I'm so happy for you Dustin! I can't believe it! What did it feel like?"

"It's hard to explain, Angel. Let me tell you what happened."

Dustin told Angel everything that happened, from what Alex was wearing, to telling everyone the news [exciting!]. Angel got them both coffee, spilling Flufflebunny. She came back from the kitchen with a little tan and white bulldog and a brown and black shar-pei treading at her heels. [what? now I know most of what I wrote is completely ridiculous, but this is the least believable thing so far. What dogs don't either bark like maniacs or immediately bound to the door when a visitor comes in.] She set down the coffee and introduced Wally (the shar-pei) and Floyd (the bulldog). "Excuse me for a minute, Dustin. Come on guys. I'll give you some milkbones if you behave, okay?" They followed her back into the kitchen and then she returned without them. Noises of contented munching drived in from the kitchen.

She looked over at Dustin and he looked as if he was about to cry [finally!]. She rushed over to him. She put her arm around him. "Dustin what's wrong?"

"Barry and I promised each other that we'd be the best men at each other's wedding, and now ..."

"Dustin," she said gently, "That's all in the past. I know it's hard for you, but look at the present. You're getting married to the woman you love, you'll be together forever. Try to put your bad feelings aside. You have a future filled with hope and happiness, don't dwell on sadness in the past." [man. that's so deep]

"You're right Angel. You're so right. I've gotta go, thank you."

"Congratulations, Dustin."

"Say goodbye to your furry friends for me."

"I will."



"I love you."

"I love you too."

"See you tomorrow."


1) Whaaaaaaaaa? WTF was that ending? Well, Dustin, I guess Alexandra may have liquid eyes that light up with love and hair spritzed into a beautiful short style, but obviously you've got to sort some stuff out before you say "I do." I'm pretty sure I wasn't going for any sort of intrigue, though ... it was all supposed to be platonic.

2) So Angel lives in Minnesota now? Okay. I think my reasoning was that lots of wrestlers hail from Minnesota, so Angel probably should too. On the plus side, at least I finally realized that wrestlers don't live in their dressing rooms.

3) I'm a little disappointed at the paucity of details about Angel's house. Aside from a powder blue couch, what's it look like in there? I imagine there are framed posters of kittens dangling from tree limbs with "hang in there!" written at the bottom. And boxes of tissues everywhere.

4) At the risk of making myself seem like even more of a loser, I had a bulldog figurine and a sharpei figurine named, respectively, Wally and Floyd. A lot of things about me have changed since I was 13 years old, but grey cats, tan and white bulldogs, and brown shar-peis are still my favorite pets. Anyhoo, I know what you're thinking. This story was a perfect place for a Debilitating Pet Allergy. Don't think I didn't know that. This just wasn't the time. Be patient.


Hoooooooooooo boy, we've got a good one on the docket. Ridiculous discussions of modern music, relationships, and S-E-X are on the way in ... Chapter 11: Rick and Scott's Party.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chapter 9: The Proposal

Hi all. Sorry for the long absence. I don't know if this will make up for it or not, but this is a 100% Angel-Free chapter. It's sucky and overwritten, but at least there's no crying. Well, mostly. Anyhoo, without further ado, I hereby present:

Chapter 9: The Proposal

Dustin checked for what must've been the thousandth time that night for the ring. Still there. He breathed a sigh of relief.

He rang Alexandra's doorbell. She came to the door before he could move his finger from the button. SHe was wearing a silky red blouse and a matching skirt [hawt]. Her soft brown hair was spritzed into its beautiful short style [double hawt]. Her liquid brown eyes lit up with love when she set them on Dustin.

Every time Dustin saw her his breath was robbed from him by her sheer beauty [woah, 13-year-old me, that's some line!]. He loved every inch of her [!], from her soft tan skin to her full red lips, from her incredible intelligence to her loving ways. From the tip of her toes to the top of her head, she was perfect.

A look of deep misery and sadness was distorting her lovely face. She invited him in and pulled him onto her couch before he could kiss her hello.

"Dustin, we have to talk." He held her shaking hand gently as she continued. "That is if you want to talk to me after what happened."

"What are you talking about, Alex?"

"I just totaled your friendship with Barry. It's all my fault. Please don't play innocent, it'll only hurt me more when you go."

"Alex, I won't leave you. I love you more than I've ever loved another soul. And nothing that happened between me and Barry was your fault. I don't blame you for anything."

She still looked a little doubtful. "You don't?"

"No. Of course not."

"Then you didn't come over here to break up with me?"

"No!" He said smiling. He had come over to do something else, something wonderful.

"Oh Dustin, I'm so happy to hear that. The thought of losing you is unbearable." She buried her face in his chest and held on to him like the wolrd would end tomorrow.

"I feel the same way about you, Alex."

"Then why are you here?"

It wasn't exactly the most romantic moment, but oppurtunity only knocks once. He pulled her to gently to her feet, got onto one knee, and presented the diamond ring.

"Alexandra, will you marry me?"

Her jaw dropped and tears welled in her eyes.

"Dustin! I dont know what to say! I ... I ... yes!" She threw her arms around his neck and he clapsed her around the waist and swung her around in a circle while she covered him with kisses.


1) Well that was exciting. And grotesquely trite. But still more romantic than the way I got my engagement ring (his mom just handed it to me). Good for you, Dullexandra. I'm sure Barry will handle this very well.

So that was a pretty short chapter. But I prefer to think of it as mercifully short. I can't believe that Angel didn't even get a mention. No worries, folks, she's back with a bland blonde vengeance in ... Chapter 10 - Spreading Good News. BONUS: We get to see Angel's house. SUPER BONUS: egregious declaration of love. Seeya next time!

Monday, October 27, 2008

update soon!

Hi all! Sorry for the lack of updates. I was busy getting married. I'll post a new update on Tuesday! Whee!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chapter 8.2: Clash of the Champions II (part 2)

So ... when we last left our distinguished characters, Angel was sitting in her office waiting for men to cry on her and Bobby was severely upset by something he saw in the dressing room. I know y'all have been losing sleep over what that might be ... therefore, I now present to you the thrilling conclusion of Clash of the Champions II ...

"Bobby? You OK"

He took a second to compose himself, but still looked odd. "Yeah," he lied.

During the match Bobyb directed all of his emotions toward his opponent, and tore him apart. After the match and showers, Chris again asked Bobby if he was allright. Bobby hated to lie to a nice guy liek Chris, but he didn't watn to talk to him about it.

The main event was Scott "Flash" Norton agasint Sting [now there's an exciting bout]. After the match, which Sting won, he went to Angel's office. He wasn't hurt, but wanted to ask her something.

"Hey Ang!" he greeted happily.

"Hey Sting, what's up?"

"I've got some awesome news."

"Good, I could use some."

"Something wrong?"

"Ever have one of those days?"

"I've had one too many."

Angel smiled and said "What's the news?"

"You remember Rick and Scott Steiner?"

"Of course."

"They just won the WWF tag belts!"

"That's great! I'm so happy for them. I've gotta call them to congratulate them!"

"No need to. I'm thowing them a party to congratulate them and you there seemed to hit it off pretty well. It's Friday at 5:00 at my house. Can you make it?" [another party that starts before the sun even considers going down.]

"Sure! Want me to bring some cookies?" [NOW it's a party!]

"Would you mind?" his eyes flashed.

"Of course not."

"Thanks a bunch, you know I love them. Hey, I heard about Marcus. I'm sorry. Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I guess I got over it, [already? but you LOVED him!] but thanks for asking."

"Okay. See you then." He gave her a hug and left.

Bobby put his head in his hands and cried softly. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried.

Angel locked up her office and started down the hall. She passed by the "heel" dressing room, she heard a little nosie coming from inside the room. She pushed open the door open a little, and saw Bobby sitting on a folding chair. She knocked softly.

"Bobby? It's Angelica. Are you OK?"

Angelica saw what she assumed to be a nod from Bobby and walked in. She pulled up a folding chair and touched his shoulder. "Bobby? Are you allright?"

He lifted his face from his hands. It was tear-stained but rather pale.

"Is it Arn?" she asked gently.

He nodded. "I overheard him talking to Ric Flair. Arn said that he'd be able to team with Ric as soon as he got rid of me and that it would be no problem becaue he had already started up something between us. How coudl he? The man has got no heart." He put his head down and cried while Angel comforted him. A few minutes later he looked at his watch and said he had to leave. He thanked her.

"Anytime Bobby. Are you OK?"

He nodded and hugged her. This night had been awfully depressing. Her ex-boyfriend had mad a futile attempt to get back together with her, and 2 sets of the world's best friends had broken up. Maybe happier times would be ahead ...


1) That? Seriously? That is what upset Bobby to the point of paleness and tears? That? Wow.

2) So I suppose by this point I accepted that wrestlers did not live in their dressing rooms, as evidenced by the fact that Sting has a house that he repeatedly invites people to, but it still had not quite dawned on me that wrestlers travel a lot and, in fact, are probably not always by their houses. This fact will get even more obvious in upcoming chapters, as we will finally get to see the inside of Angel's house, but for now, all such ridiculousness will have to remain with Sting.

3) Speaking of which, another party at Sting's? I hope this one is more exciting. Maybe he'll get a clown or magician. Cross your fingers for pizza bagels.

Coming up next ...

We've got a good one on the docket here, folks. I don't to give too much away, but let's just say it involves an irrational amount of adjectives and overblown professions of love. And a fantastic outfit description. Tune in next time for ... Chapter 9: The Proposal.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chapter 8: Clash of the Champions 2 (part I)

Hey everyone ... I got a new computer ... and this one has two functioning shift keys! What happened to the shift keys on the last computer, you ask? Well, it involves a pressing desire to clean under the keys and an inability to replace all of those keys after satiating that desire. So now I'm typing at more productive speeds now! Hooray!

Anyhoo, back to the crap writing ... I think I need to make a tag for male friend breakups that sound like ending relationships. I'll just call it "guy breakup."

So, here's the first part of the second part of Clash of the Champions 2. Enjoy!

Chapter 8: Clash of the Champions 2 (part 1)

Bobby decided that he had to talk to Angelica about his fight with Arn. It had been one week since their fight, and she had a right to know [why?]. He hoped she didn't take it the wrong way. He loved her too much to wat to see her get hurt.

"Angelica, I need to tell you something." [woah - he's already in her office? what happened to the extended description of him knocking or walking through her "always open door"?)

"Sure, Bobby," said Angel, slightly mystified. They sat on folding chairs in teh back.

"Remember a week ago when you were a little upset about Marcus?"

"Of course."

"Well, Arn saw us and he believed that we were romantically involved. He thought he caught me having an affair."

"That's ridiculous."

"I know, I explained everything to him, but he's so damn stubborn, oh, excuse me" [wait, is he seriously apologizing for saying 'damn'? wow. just ... wow.]

"No problem."

"Anyway, we got into a big fight and he won't talk to me."

"Bobby! That's terrible! It's all my fault."

"Angelica, none of thsi is your fault. If anythi else, this is Arn's fault and no one else's. He's too darn [that's better] narrowminded, but something's gotta be bugging him. In all of the years I've known him, hes never fought wtih me without a motive. There must be something behind this."

When he said that, Angel couldn't help but remember Dustin and Barry. The poor guy. Proposing should've been the happiest event in his life, now a black cloud was smothering out every faint glimmer of joy left in him. His voice had really gotten to her. It was so soft and sad. She just wanted to squeeze him hard and make everything better for him [cue porn music], he deserved the best in the world.

"Angelica, are you allright?" Bobby's quiet voice broke her thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm just ... I'm fine." Bobby opened his mouth, then closed it quickly. He knew Angelica well, and now was clearly not hte time to press. She had looked very distant for a second, and her blue eyes had tears beginning to form in the bottom lids.

"I'm fine." She repeated quickly, noticing his look of deep concern for her. A sudden thought came to her, here she was thinking about poor Dustin, but what about Bobby? "But what about you, Bobby? How are you taking this?"

He sighed. "It's pretty hard on me. with him injured, we don't get together at all, but he was like a part of my family. We were so close. I just hope that this whole thing will blow over. 2 years. That's too much to throw away. If he'd only listen to me! I'm sure we could straighten this whole mes out. It's almost like, you know, he doesn't watn to try to be friends gain. I know that sounds stupid, but it's been nagging me for a while." He looked at his watch. "Sorry, Angelica, I've got a tag match."

"Who are you tag-teaming with?"

"Chris Benoit. He's a nice kid. Thank you, Angelica. I'll see you later." He gave her a hug and left.

Bobby and Chris were passing by the dressing room for the "heels" when Bobby stopped to get soem maore tape for his wrists. When he came back out, his face was drained of all color. The emotions on his face showed sadness, confusion, and above all, anger.

... to be continued ...


1) Yes, this chapte features the brief introduction of Chris Benoit ... and again, if it's going to freak you out that he plays a part in this ... you should probably stop reading now. Then again, I assume if you've come along for the ride this far, you're in it for the long haul.

2) Amy: I don't know what's in Arn's future as far as birthday parties go, but I'm just gonna guess that things ain't lookin' good in that department, seeing as how "they don't get together at all." They've been friends for 2 whole years! Come on!

Coming up next ...

What does Bobby see that is so shocking? And how will Angel come to his emotional resuce? Find out next time in ... Chapter 8.2: Clash of the Champions 2 (part 2)!

Chapter 7 - Clash of the Champions I

Chapter 7 – Clash of the Champions I

Special shout-out to The Carters, as this is where Dustin and Barry break up. And, as Wikipedia has confirmed, they actually did break up at the Clash of the Champions for the reason described here. Well, the part about Ricky Steamboat. I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with a love triangle.


The first match pitting 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell versus the team of Steve Austin and Brian Pillman [The Hollywood Blondes!] was a short one that ended with a DQ victory for Marcus and Scorpio. "Flyin" Brian Pillman hit Marc over th ehead with the belt, and then rammed his skull into the ringpost. Scorpio, fearing a concussion, brought him, carried him actually (he was out cold) to the nurse on duty, Angelica Kerris.

She helped Scorpio put him on the cot. "Will he be OK" he asked. "He'll be fine, Scorpio."

Angel grabbed the smelling salts and wove them under his nose briefly. He awoke instantly. Angel kept him from jolting upright.

"Do you feel dizzy or nauseas?" she asked, getting her optic light. [optic light? that sounds like Cyclops' mutant power. PS - let me tell you how close I was to writing X-Men fanfic. Very close. I had stories in my head, but they never made it to paper. We're all winners on that front, folks]

"No, but my head is killing me."

"Look at me." she said shinign the light into his eyes to check for dialation. They looked fine. She checked otu his heart and blood pressure. Normal. "How is your vision?"


"What day is it?"


"Where does it hurt the most?"

He pointed to a large bump on his head, hiddend by masses of dark hair. Angel got an ice pack and a couple of aspirin [look at that medical training! just like my school nurse!]

"Keep this up there until the ice melts, by then the swelling should have gone down, if it hasn't come back to me. Take more aspirin if the pain starts to bother you."

"Angel, can we talk." asked Marc. Scorpio excused himself, saying he had stuff to take care of.

"I don't have much to say to you, Marcus." She said frostily.

"But I have so much to say to you, Angel. I need to explain."

"Like what, Marcus. What could possibly need explaining?" [maybe he needs to explain that going on one date with somebody and not even getting to second base doesn't imply exclusivity]

"Oh Angel, I'm so sorry."

"You're sorry? Marcus, you broke my heart! I loved you and you were cheating on me with Missy Hyatt. How can you explain that?"

"I don't know, Angel. I never wanted this to happen, I loved you too. I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough, Marcus. Nothing is. You hurt me and I'll never forget that. Now I've got work to do, okay?"

"Yeah, Ok." he left and they both ahde tears streaming down their faces.

Angel pulled herself together and cleaned up. She was terribly nervous. The next match was Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham versus Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas. It was for Dustin and Barry's titles.

The match went smoothly until Ricky Steamboat was hit in the groin. Dustin refused to pin his friend for the victory. Barry was seething. He forced a tag to Dustin and further impaired Steamboat with some inverted atomic drops. Dustin tried in vain to stop him. Then to Barry's dismay and everyone's surprise, Ricky rolled up Barry for the three count and the tag titles. Shaen helped Ricky into the stretcher and angel fowarded Ricky to a hospital because there was nothing she could do for him. [what about an icepack and some aspirin?]

Meanwhile, Barry and Dustin got into a fight. Barry threw the first punch. Dustin tried to defend himself, but he didn't want to fight Barry, his longtime best friend. Barry superplexed Dustin off of the top rope, then rammed him into the steel pole head first several times. Finall, Barry spat on him and walked away.

Dustin was out cold and put on a stretcher, but by the time he got to Angel, who had seen the whole horrible event on her TV screen, he came around. He trid to get up, but Angel pushed him back down.

"Where's Ricky? Is he OK?"

"He'll be fine, Dustin. Now you've got to relax so I can check you out, OK?"

"Okay" he said reluctantly. ...

[I seriously had to cut some of this out. She basically takes a page to bandage his head and put iodine on his cuts. It's hideously boring. Trust me. Then Angel sits next to him on the cot and closes the door, thus ignoring any other medical duties that might come up for the rest of the night, in case Dustin needs to talk. And cry. Are you ready for the most egregiously egregious crying yet? Take a deep breath ...]

"I don't think I want to talk about this right now. Please don't take any offense. Can I just stay here with you for a while?"

"Sure, Dustin. I'll always be here for you. Stay as long as you need."

"Thanks, Ang." His voice was so soft, so sad. Angel felt tears brimming in her eyes. Dustin drew in a long, choppy breath, and he knew that he was going to cry. He didn't mind because Angel always made him feel comfortable. He loved her so much. He didn't know if he'd be able to cry in front of Sting, or even the Steiners. He loved them too, but she had a kind of magic over him [hurl], kind of like Barry used to have [huh?]. Oh god. Barry.

Angel felt his shoulders begin to shake. She put both arms around him. He sobbed quietly. Angel tightened her hold on him. A tear slid down her cheek. A few minutes later, he was ready to talk. He wiped his eyes and blew his nose [a key plot point, no doubt], and started his story.

"What you saw tonight was bad enough, the story is worse. Barry was even more upset that I told him that I was going to propose to Alex."

"You're what?"

"Tomorrow night I'm going to ask Alexandra York to be my wife."

"Congratulations! That's wonderful!"

"Thanks Ang. I just wish Barry felt the same way." He kissed her lightly, and thanked her again, then left, saying he needed to think, with tears still streaming.

This has been one of the saddest days of my life, thoguht Angel. It just has to get better. She was wrong.


1) Pfft, Angel and Dustin so need to get it on. They're both blonde and like crying and hugging. What else do you need for a healthy relationship?

2) Speaking of healthy relationships, RIP Angel and Marcus. How could it have possibly failed? He loved her all along! Shoot. Kind of makes you cynical about all relationships, eh? If it didn't work for them, how will any of us ever find love?

Coming up next ...

What else can possibly happen to break Angel's heart tonight? How about one more blonde guy crying in her office? Bonus: Angel mentions her cookies. Super Bonus: I mention Scott "Flash" Norton ... wow, that's old school. Tune in next time for ... Chapter 8 - Clash of the Champions II