We’ve moved to yet another marble notebook (don’t worry, there’s plenty more), and in this one, I started making notes of when each chapter was written. This particular one was composed on September 14, 1994. That makes me 14. Still technically in middle school, because my junior high went up to 9th grade for some reason, but really, I probably should have known better from here on out. I didn’t. I just kept plugging away. And you, gentle readers, are the beneficiaries. Or something like that.
Moving right along …
Last week, Asstin decided that their friendship was the most powerful force in the universe. This week, Violet’s Evil Scheme starts rolling. Excited? I sure am …
Chapter 40: A New Nurse
Angel had never cared much about her two nurses, Katlin Ross and Leslie Canter [maybe that’s because I promptly forgot that they existed after mentioning them]. So when Leslie decided to quit, Angel’s only worry was who her replacement would be.
Felicia Baigen [name of a boss in Final Fantasy 2, thankyouverymuch] was her name. She was 24, a skilled nurse, and stunning. With her pale blue eyes and size six figure [is she from Sweet Valley?], she looked as if she just stepped off the cover of a magazine. Her chin-length hair was platinum blonde and shone like cornsilk.
She seemed like an okay person to Angel, who was relieved to be rid of that snob Leslie.
Too bad she didn’t realize that there were much better people to wish to be rid of in WCW. [FORESHADOWING!]
Violet Royce sat down in her hotel suite and reread the letter she had intercepted from Chris to Angel [intercepted? Was she hiding in a mailbox?] It wasn’t very interesting—mostly about his wrestling matches and how much he missed her, but there was one tidbit of information that could prove useful …
“… Hey, you remember that woman Justina Foster I was telling you about? (I know you’d rather not!) Well, Anyway, she used to work as a seamstress here for All-Japan before she moved back to the states. Cool, huh? (Okay, not to you) …….”
Violet couldn’t help but wonder – who was this Justina Foster? Someone Angel would dislike. An ex-girlfriend? Ex-wife? The possibilities were intriguing. Violet would have to find out more.
She very carefully re-glued the steamed-open envelope with the letter in it, but only after jotting down the information about Justina. This would be fun.
Angel finished giving Felicia the grand tour of the nurse’s office in a typical building [huh?]. After meeting the wrestlers on hand (not many of Angel’s friends of course, what with Chris, Bobby, and Dustin all away) Felicia decided to help Angel finish setting up for the night’s matches.
After the long night of work was over, Angel returned home and wrote a letter to Chris. There was only four days left until Dustin’s wedding. She couldn’t wait.
1) Why do they need three nurses? It’s not a hospital. They don’t need to work shifts. There’s like, three hours of matches max. And pretty much all Angel ever does is put gauze on things and let people cry on her. Doesn’t sound too taxing.
2) Hey, Violet: thanks for not making us read that entire letter.
3) Justina Foster! And you thought that was just going to be a random name that I dropped and never picked up again. Well, it still might be. Only one way to find out, folks!
Dustin’s bachelor party! Will there be strippers? Beer? Bell peppers? A fist-fight? No, no, no, YES. That’s right, YES. SWEEEEEEEEET! Tune in next time for …
Chapter 41: Dustin’s Bachelor Party (Part 1)
I LOVE that a fist fight is a RARE occurance with all of these angry and overemoting professional wrestlers! Your 14 yr old hormones were way into describing the new nurse in a sexy manner.
September 14?
Yes, it is indeed odd that there is very little physical activity at all -- not to mention anything even resembling violence -- in all of these stories about wrestlers. Ah well.
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