Welcome, friends. In last week’s thrilling chapter, Violet intercepted mail, Felicia was a Wakefield twin, and we were reminded that Justina Foster exists. This week? FISTICUFFS! Bring it!
Chapter 41: Dustin’s Bachelor Party
Dustin smiled. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been with “all the guys.” Sting, Ricky Steamboat, the Steiners, Ron Simmons, Scorpio, Arn Anderson, and many others were there. The party was in full swing, and Dustin was having the time of his life.
Sting approached him. “Hey, Dustin. How’d things go with Angel?”
“We’re just fine.” [how about you and Alexan … oh, nevermind]
“That’s great.”
Scotty Steiner joined in on this conversation.
“Scotty! How’s it going?” greeted Dustin, giving his friend a pat on the back.
“Great. I feel wonderful not being tied to one woman.” [exactly the thing to say to the groom at a bachelor party]
“You and Marie broke up?”
“Yeah. It’s better this way. It really is.”
“What changed your mind?”
“You mean who changed my mind. It was Angel. She’s great. She convinced me to just let things happen. It’s a fantastic philosophy.” [someone alert Hegel. He’s got competition!]
There was more mixing and mingling, and the general mood of the party was incredibly happy. Everyone was having a terrific time. That is, until an unexpected guest showed up.
The door in Sting’s house banged open and all eyes turned to the disturbance. A tall, lanky figure appeared in the doorway. A glass shattered on the floor. There were a few gasps. [who is it? The Grim Reaper? Elijah the Prophet?] Dustin stepped toward the figure.
“Barry … what the hell are you doing here?” his voice was full of anger and shock.
Barry Windham laughed shortly. “She doesn’t want you, Dustin. She never did. So who’s your best man? I guess it’s not me, eh?” He found this hilarious. He recovered from his giggles quickly. “Oh, my friend, I feel so sorry for you. You think she’s so perfect, don’t you? Wouldn’t you find it interesting to know that yesterday she slept with me in your own bed!”
A deathly silence fell over the group. [what? It’s a room full of testosterone-fueled ‘roidheads. All they’re doing is staring?] Dustin pulled back his fist and punched Barry as hard as he could. [that’s more like it].
“You’re lying! You’re lying!” He shouted, he then proceeded to call Barry every curse he knew. Sting and Rick Steiner each grabbed an arm of Barry and dragged him outside. They threw him into the bed of his pick-up, then returned to the house.
Dustin’s hand was swollen and bleeding. He had a towel wrapped around it. He was silent, but seething.
He stood up.
“Sting, I appreciate you goin’ to all this trouble for me, but … uh … I need to be alone now.” He spoke slowly.
“I understand. You allright?”
Dustin shook his head no.
“You sure you don’t …”
“I’ll be fine. I need to think, talk to Alexandra. Don’t say anythin’ to her, OK?”
Sting nodded. After a chorus of good-byes, Dustin left. He intended to drive all night, then maybe call Alex, but he wasn’t all that surprised when he realized that he had driven to Angel’s house …..
1) Of course he drove to Angel’s house. Wouldn’t you?
2) Yay Barry! I’ve missed that cantankerous fellow. Speaking of which, I wish I had given Arn some lines in this chapter.
3) Wait, he drove to Angel’s house? From Sting’s house? Doesn’t Sting live on the beach whereas Angel lives somewhere in Minnesota? How long was he driving? Or did Angel move again?
Dustin rings Angel’s doorbell. She answers it. And then … there is … wait for it … wait for it … THAT’S RIGHT, egregious crying! It’s been far, far too long.
Tune in next week for …
Chapter 41: Dustin’s Bachelor Party (Part II)
huzzah! wowlions! That's one hot bachelor party. Were there cookies? Ok, from here on out I need to check more regularly for updates (and you need to remind me!!!)
Well, he did say he would drive all night. Then maybe call Alex. His fiance. Who apparently slept with someone else. Maybe he'd give her a call.
Still love Barry.
Wowlions indeed!
Amy - No, no cookies, but that's because Angel was only there in spirit.
Carters - Why would he rush to call Alex? Why would anyone ever need to talk to anyone else but Angel, Philosopher Extraordinaire.
It's a tie between Barry and Arn for me, but that's only because I know what Arn is going to do next. There's a pretty good Barry chapter coming up next, and then you'll have to wait a little bit ... but the waiting will be worth it. Promise!
wait wait wait... hold the phone, here. I just now realized that barry said they slept together in DUSTIN'S bed... as in- Alex has access to Dustin's bed. Do they SLEEP together? OMG!!!!! They aren't married, yet!!!!!
Amy - Phone held. If you recall, Dustin has already revealed to Angel that he and Alexandra have committed the most heinously unAngel-like deed of premarital sex. I hope no one tells Rick Steiner.
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