Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chapter 65: Discovery

Well, it turns out that finishing your dissertation does not automatically equal having no work to do. Silly me. Apologies for the unduly long hiatus. I'm sure I lost all but my most stalwart readers with that break. I understand. I don't have that kind of patience with blogs either.

But if you're here, hi! Welcome back.

Where were we? Ahhhhhhh yes. Angel was rapidly falling prey to Jeff's irresistible charm and armsocks. (charmsocks?) After a stupid phone conversation with Madusa, she decides to go and visit him in NC, where she plans on giving up the goods.

Violet/Marie/Nightshade/whatever lured Scott back into her evil web of seductive lies. For some reason.

Chris and Justina had the good fortune to get stuck in a hotel room next to Barry, who spent the evening entertaining a lady friend.

I think that brings us up to speed. Therefore, with no further ado, I humbly present:

Chapter 65: Discovery

“Again?” Justina cried. “How did we get stuck in a room right next to Barry and his bevy of beauties again?”

“Dumb luck, I guess.”

“I’m going to start banging on the wall with a hockey stick. That always worked in college.” [oh, how Canadian of them!]

“No hocked sticks here. You can use my boot.”

“Ugg. [as in Ugg boot? Somehow I didn’t picture Chris as wearing Ugg boots. But now I totally will.] Let’s just put the TV on again.”

“This lady is just as loud as the one in Harrisburg.”

“I know.” Justina tried burying her head under a pillow. “Oh the plus side,” she said in a muffled voice, “Now I can’t breathe.” She emerged and climbed out of bed. “Where’s the boot?”

“Foss, you can’t. I’ll make sure not to get a room next to him next time. I promise.”

She sighed. “Fine.”

“Come back to bed. I’ll find us a nice infomercial.”

“Chris? Listen.”

“Foss … eew.”

“It’s the same woman.”

“I reaffirm: eew.”

“It is!”


“I’m just saying.”

“Saying what?”

“That I’m a busybody.”

“You can say that again. Give me the remote.”

“Hang on … I can almost make out her name.”

“Foss! Give them some privacy!”

“Privacy? If they wanted privacy, they’d moan more quietly. And they’d stop shouting each others’ names so effusively.”


“I know big words.” She left the bed. [when did she get back in bed? How can I not maintain continuity when there are only two characters in one room?]

“Apparently. Where are you going?”

“The bathroom.”

“Justina … you are not using a glass to listen in.”

“Gross. Of course not. I just have to pee.”

She reemerged a few minutes later. “Besides, I don’t need one. That last volley of theirs featured impressive enunciation.”

“Mystery solved.” Chris yawned and closed his eyes. “I think they’re done. Goodnight, Foss.”

“Night, Chris. And goodnight Barry and Alex.” She snuggled next to him.

Chris’ eyes snapped open. “Alex?”

“Yep. Problem?”

“No. I mean … it can’t be.”


“Just a coincidence, I’m sure.”

“What?” Justina sat up.

“Another guy’s wife has the same name. But I’m sure it’s a common name and all.”

“Well, if this goes the same way it went in Harrisburg, she’ll be leaving in a few minutes. Look out the peephole.”

“Foss, that’s ridiculous.”

“Come on.”

“It’s none of my business.”

“Tell me what she looks like,” Justina said, walking to the door.

“You’re being insanely nosy,” he said, but he followed her and looked out the peephole. [how big is that peephole that both of them can look out of it at the same time?] Nothing. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Shh! She’s leaving!”

Chris watched the hallway. He heard Barry’s door open. There was muttering and giggling, and then, she walked towards the elevator, past Chris and Justina’s room.

It was Alexandra York Rhodes.


1) OHHHHHHHHHHHH SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, were any of you surprised? No one? Huh.

2) I can't help it. I still kind of like Justina and Chris. Maybe it's just the fact that she's not Angel, but I remember having fun writing their scenes way back when.

3) Speaking of way back when: thin walls, love triangles, level 20 drama ... hoo boy, there are a few things about college I will probably never miss. (things I do miss include, but are not limited to: eating pierogies at 2 AM, DDR marathons, being used as a human jump-rope)


Oh boy! We will be treated to one of Angel's extended internal monologues. Now there's a way to get readers back. Tune in next time for ...

Chapter 66: Driving South

1 comment:

Amy said...

We're watching TNA because our kid is asleep and Jeff Hardy is looking fierce in some sweet facepaint and green hair. And I thoght to myself "hot damn, you forgot to read the update!"
Alex! OMG! I so.didn't.see.that.coming! ;)
for what it's worth, pierogies miss you, too. as do I.