Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chapter 5: The Date

This has nothing to do with Angel, but I'd just like y'all to know that my dog has wicked gas right now. Gosh.

Anyhoo ... Enjoy!

Chapter 5 – The Date

The day could not move quickly enough for Angel. Her date with Marcus was tonight, and she couldn’t wait. At the end, while she was cleaning up her office, Mr. Watts said that he wanted her in his office. She wanted to scream in frustration, this day was long enough! But she obediently went in and sat down.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Kerris.”

“Good afternoon, sir.”

OK, can the small talk, baldy, I’ve gotta get out of here!

“Ms. Kerris, I’ll make this quick,”

Please! Yes! Quick! Over and done with! SOON!

“Our head nurse Sally was not showing for all her matches. [huh?] Plain and simple – she was fired. It is mentioned in your contract that while on this job, you will be prompt and efficient. So, we, Ole and I, have decided to promote you to head nurse. This job will mean longer hours and more traveling, but there is a 30% pay increase. Will you accept?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Good.” They shook hands and Angel left.

Marcus picked her up at 6:00 on the dot. He took her to a cute little Italian restaurant. He was overjoyed that Angel had been promoted. After dinner, they went pack to his apartment. They started to kiss, and things were heating up quickly. [start the porno music]

“Wait,” he said. “How far do you want to go?” [what are they, high school kids in a 50’s movie? Who even asks that question?]

“Well … let’s slow down a little. I’m kind of saving myself for marriage, if you know what I mean.” [how could he not? You weren’t being particularly vague there, hon]

“Of course.”

They kissed for a long time after, he was a perfect gentleman. Then they sat and talked for awhile, then she had to leave. He gave her a long goodnight kiss at her door. [did it linger?]

As soon as she got into the door, the phone rang.

“Ang! Where have you been !?!? I’ve been trying to get you for at least six hours. Don’t tell me your dated lasted that long!”

“Okay, I won’t tell you.”

“Ang! You hunk-magnet.!”

“Relax, Duce, nothing happened, nothing really.”

“Are you sure? You don’t sound too sure.”

“Madusa, I think I fell in love.” [oh glory.]


1) I am sorely disappointed that there were no outfit descriptions in that chapter. If I had some sort of time-travel powers, I’d use them exclusively to tell 13-year-old me to include a lengthy discussion of what everyone wore in this chapter.

2) Ok, so I obviously had no idea what happened on dates, but I had a good idea that it probably included eating at restaurants, talking, and kissing. That’s not a bad basic set of date activities, but in terms of what people said to each other or what kissing was actually like, pffft no clue. I wasn’t really going to form a clue for several years, because I was a rather awkward-looking gal at this point in my life. I had super-short hair, was shaped like a plush rectangle, and wore glasses the size of safety goggles. Not to mention that I let my mom dress me and refused to wear jeans or any other pants with zippers. I was all stretchy pants and track suits all the time. Hawt. Also, I liked wrestling to a degree that alienated me from the majority of my peers.

3) I did, however, know all about S-E-X and thought the idea was G-R-O-S-S. Waiting ‘til marriage sounded like a good idea to me. This had nothing to do with religion, because I wasn’t raised to be religious. It had more to do with a “you put that there? Eeew!” mentality. I think Angel feels the same way. She’s just too mature to say so. Anyhoo, you think this is ridiculous? Wait until you see what happens with the Steiner brothers.

Could this be TWU WUV for Angel?? Find out next time in …. Chapter 6: Two Timing


Amy said...

I haven't been keeping up- shame on me! I've been covering for someone who quit (and stole a lot of money) at work, s I haven't been getting nearly enough internet time. I need to make this blog a higher priority... because, frankly, this might have been the highlight of my birthday.

FuzzyOctopus said...

The highlight of your birthday?? Sad!! Sad!! Sad!!

Happy birthday!